Myers Briggs Career Tests
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Our Most Popular Tests:

- Myers Briggs, MBTI Step II Interpretive Report

- Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive Report

Resource Center:

- The 16 Myers Briggs Types

About Our Personality Assessments

It is widely known that everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Taking advantage of your strengths is the key to having a successful career and happy life. The problem most people find with this philosophy is accurately identifying their personal strengths. Designed by psychological theorists, our tests not only determine what your personal strengths are but they also relate them to your everyday life. The idea behind these tests is that everyone has a specific way of thinking and problem solving ingrained within their body and mind. Early on in everyone's childhood development we begin to favor certain ways of thinking and problem solving, very similar to the way we favor using one of our two hands until eventually we become right or left handed. Our online tests are here to help you determine how your mind is hard-wired. This knowledge will allow you to take advantage of your strengths to their fullest and become more successful in life.

Free Consultation
Once you have completed one of our personality assessments we will assign you to one of our certifield PersonalValuation counselors. Each of our tests come with a free consultation which will help you further understand your strengths and tendecies and relate them to your life. This free consultation allows you to fully benefit from our diverse selection of tests.

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More about our Myers Briggs assessments
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely accepted personality assessment. The Myers Briggs test is utilized worldwide by organizations ranging from educational institutions to Fortune 500 companies. Read more... Myers Briggs Personality Test

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Official Myers Briggs Test

Official Strong Interest Test

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MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the MBTI logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries. Strong Interest Inventory is a registered trademark and the MBTI and Strong Interest Inventory logos are trademarks of CPP, Inc.