Myers Briggs Career Tests
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MBTI Tests
Myers Briggs

How does your personality match your Company's organizational structure?
Ensuring that your personal style and strengths align with those of your company and colleagues is key to enjoying a satisfying career. Take a Myers-Briggs assessment below to learn more about your personality type and how it correlates with your work environment.

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    - In depth, personalized test results delivered through email
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MBTI® Step I Profile (Form M) - $39.95
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step I Profile is our most basic report which provides with your four letter personality type and a brief analysis of your personality preferences.
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MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report (Form Q) - $79.95
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step II Interpretive Report is our most in-depth and popular personality test offering. It is a highly personalized narrative and graphic report that helps you understand your personality preferences based on your responses. The MBTI® Step II will provide you with a detailed analysis of your four letter personality type across 20 different subscales. These results are then applied to four important components of personal development (communication, change management, decision making, and conflict management) in order to suggest ways of using your personal style more effectively.
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MBTI Interpretive Report for Organizations
The MBTI Interpretive Report for Organizations will provide you with your four letter personality type and how it can best be applied to an organization's work environment. This report will help you gain insight into your organizationalal, management, and team-building development opportunities through understanding your individual communication styles, business approach, and ideal work environment.

Team Package
Whether you are a small partnership or a mid-size company, self-awareness among employees can provide great efficiency in team situations. The Team Package will provide a team within an organization or company with a detailed assessment of the each team member's four letter personality type as well as the team personality type as a whole. The results will help teams identify and maximize strengths and resources from within and will further lead teams to create action plans in order to work more effectively together going forward. The package can be used for teams as large as 64 people and includes the MBTI Interpretive Report for Organizations and the MBTI Team Report. Each team member will receive an individual report on their personal work style as well as an evaluation of the team’s personality type as a whole.

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