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Curious to find out if you're an ESTJ?
You might be! Find out now by taking one of our popular personality tests below!

MBTIŽ Step I Profile (Form M)
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MBTIŽ Step II Interpretive Report (Form Q)
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ESTJ - The Mark Of A Leader

ESTJ Summary: ESTJ: decisive, organized, digs in and get the job done

ESTJs allow practical matters to guide them in making decisions and taking action. They observe what is happening around them and collect information based upon the matters at hand. They show an instinctive ability to lead others during situations in which information is readily available. While ESTJs make decisions based upon external information, the sensations they experience come from within. Often, their feelings are generated as a product of closely held memories about people and events. Below, we'll describe the importance that ESTJs place on logic and pragmatism. We'll also explain their fondness for things that are familiar as well as potential pitfalls that can ensnare them.

Logic Takes Precedence

For ESTJs, nothing is as important as practicality. Their strongest attribute demands that the world they experience provides useful, relevant information on which they can base logical decisions. ESTJs are more comfortable studying numbers on a report than trying to intuit outcomes based upon feelings. And they're predisposed toward acting on the information in front of them. ESTJs make excellent leaders based upon their innate capacity to confidently make important decisions.

When the arguments of others lack reason or common sense, an ESTJ is likely to vocalize his objections. They have very little tolerance for that which cannot be proven or quantified. One of the reasons why people gravitate toward ESTJs during times of stress and disorganization is because they are relentlessly dependable and pragmatic.

Relying Upon Familiarity

ESTJs relish established institutions. They are most comfortable in surroundings that are familiar to them. They have a deep appreciation for tradition and heritage, finding comfort in the persistence of both. Most people expect ESTJs to maintain a high level of consistency. That is, their feelings, attitudes, values and belief system tend not to change over time unless ESTJs are given a logical reason to do so. In part, these factors further reflect their partiality to established norms and ideas.

Potential Weaknesses

While ESTJs make fantastic leaders due to their decisiveness and pragmatic perspective, they can seem overly aggressive to others. Though the people who follow ESTJs are happy to do so, they're often hesitant to establish close relationships with them. What's more, their strict devotion to logic and facts can make ESTJs appear unwilling to consider the perspectives of other people. This can be both valuable and debilitating as their followers readily accept direction even as they grow disillusioned with ESTJs. Also, their vigilant observance of tradition can seem inflexible and eventually repel others. This can lead to feelings of isolation for ESTJs as they begin to feel strangely ostracized while leading people. ESTJs can be valuable members of a community, family, or group of friends and can be counted upon as a dependable source of advice and help. That being said, they should take steps to encourage others to feel comfortable around them.

Curious to find out if you're an ESTJ?
You might be! Find out now by taking one of our popular personality tests below!

MBTIŽ Step I Profile (Form M)
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MBTIŽ Step II Interpretive Report (Form Q)
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